Do Your Heroes Know They’re Your Heroes?

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

(1 Thessalonians 5:11) 

When you en-courage them, you put courage in them. That is when you are your most powerful.

Nobody will ever fully know how you impacted your communities by your example and by your spoken and written words.

When did you last send a greeting card, a note to say, “You exceed my expectations,” or “You will exceed my expectations?” Today would be the day to help someone who did something extraordinary, even if they were “just doing their job,” to keep taking pride in doing the good thing. The right thing.

We are all pulling for people, maybe even praying for them. But are we letting them know that we’re pulling and praying?




Still I Rise

Still I Rise



TEASER: God Is not an A**hole


The Friends You Have Right This Moment